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Definition Severe loss of weight
Dynamic gain
Dynamic gain equalizer
Dynamic gain values
Limiting dynamic value
Limiting dynamic value of an energizing quantity
Starvation oedema

Traduction de «Dynamic gain values » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

dynamic gain equalizer | DGE

égaliseur de gain dynamique

Definition: Severe loss of weight [wasting] in children or adults, or lack of weight gain in children leading to an observed weight that is at least 3 standard deviations below the mean value for the reference population (or a similar loss expressed through other statistical approaches). When only one measurement is available, there is a high probability of severe wasting when the observed weight is 3 or more standard deviations below the mean of the reference population. | Starvation oedema

Œdème de famine

limiting dynamic value of an energizing quantity

valeur limite dynamique d'une grandeur d'alimentation
Second, no value would be assigned to the dynamic gains in undertaking this evaluation that are inherent in SR and ED. That is, those gains are natural and accrue over time because of accumulations of new knowledge and scientific advances resulting from SR and ED.

Deuxièmement, aucune valeur ne serait assignée aux gains dynamiques inhérents à toute activité de RS&DE dans le cadre de cette évaluation. Ces gains sont naturels et s'acquièrent au fil du temps grâce à l'accumulation de nouvelles connaissances et de percées scientifiques découlant des activités de RS&DE.

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Date index: 2022-11-10