48. Is convinced that a more in-depth analysis is needed to better understand the impact of alternative investments such as hedge funds on the o
ne hand and private equity on the other on financial stability, corporate governance, consumer choice and pr
otection as well as employment; looks forward to examining these in the forthcoming parliamentary reports on hedge funds and private equity, based on the outcome of the studies commissioned in August 2007 (IP/A/ECON/IC/2007-23), suggests that these reports should include among others an
...[+++] examination of: -whether an industry-driven code of conduct is sufficient to enhance financial stability and investor protection or is there a need for more action by the legislator and supervisory authorities in terms of disclosure requirements through minimum reporting standards and regulation of relevant players; -whether there is an interest in or even a need for a European label for alternative investment instruments and if so, what could be the criteria to distinguish different asset classes that would be covered by such an EU framework; -under which conditions retail access to these asset classes could be permitted; 48. est convaincu qu'une analyse plus poussée s'impose pour mieux comprendre l'impact des investissements alternatifs que sont, d'une part, les fonds alternatifs et, d'autre part, les fonds de capital-investissement privés sur la stabilité financière, sur la gouvernance des entreprises, sur le choix et la protection des consommateu
rs, ainsi que sur l'emploi; espère pouvoir examiner ces questions dans le cadre des prochains rapports parlementaires sur les fonds alternatifs et les fonds de capital-investissement, qui doivent être élaborés sur la base des conclusions des études commandées en août 2007 (IP/A/ECON/IC/2007-23); suggère que c
...[+++]es rapports s'intéressent notamment aux questions suivantes: