2. The entry "Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Company Limited (fka Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry) (fka Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Establishment) (fka Himmat Establishment), c/o Asat Trust Reg., Altenbach 8, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein" under the heading "Legal persons, groups and entities" shall be replaced by the following:
"Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Company Limited (appelée antérieurement: Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry) (appelée antérieurement: Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Establishment) (appelée antérieurement: Himmat Establishment), a.s. Asa Trust Reg., Altenbach 8, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein".