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Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Early foreign language acquisition
Early foreign language learning
Early language learning
Early second language acquisition
Early second language learning
Early stages foreign language learning
Early-stage foreign language acquisition
Early-stage foreign language learning
Esoteric concept
Esoteric language
First language
Foreign language competence
Heritage language
High level language
High-level language
High-order language
Higher order language
Language competence
Language of origin
Language proficiency
Language qualifications
Language skills
Mother language
Mother tongue
Native language
Religious sect
Synthetic language
Teach ESOL language class
Teach ESOL language course
Teaching ESOL language class

Vertaling van "Esoteric language " (Engels → Frans) :


early foreign language acquisition | early foreign language learning | early language learning | early second language acquisition | early second language learning | early stages foreign language learning | early-stage foreign language acquisition | early-stage foreign language learning

apprentissage précoce d'une langue étrangère

language skills [ CEFR | Common European Framework of Reference for Languages | foreign language competence | language competence | language proficiency | language qualifications ]

compétence linguistique [ cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues | CECR | compétences en langues étrangères | compétences linguistiques | connaissances linguistiques ]

high level language | higher order language | high-level language | high-order language | synthetic language | HLL [Abbr.] | HOL [Abbr.]

langage de haut niveau | langage évolué | langage synthétique

first language | heritage language | language of origin | mother language | mother tongue | native language | L1 [Abbr.]

langue d'origine | langue I | langue maternelle | langue première

religious sect [ esoterism ]

secte religieuse [ ésotérisme ]

teach ESOL language course | teaching ESOL language class | teach English for Speakers of Other Languages language class | teach ESOL language class

donner des cours d'anglais langue étrangère

At one point in particular, I had the distinct impression that he was using quite esoteric language when he was referring to employees of the House, more specifically the legislative counsel, the lawyers.

Notamment, j'ai eu l'impression, à un moment donné, qu'il utilisait un discours très hermétique lorsqu'il parlait des employés de la Chambre, et particulièrement des conseillers législatifs, les avocats.

I do not understand when the government says that it wants to clarify an act, but then it uses such esoteric language to replace Criminal Code provisions that have stood the test of time.

Je ne comprends pas que l'on dise vouloir clarifier une loi, mais que l'on utilise un langage aussi ésotérique pour remplacer des dispositions du Code criminel qui ont fait leurs preuves depuis près d'un siècle.

It is the peculiar and esoteric language of the Parliament Act of 1911, which was brought about — and I have not thought about this for a while — by the Government of Herbert Asquith, later Lord Asquith, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer or the Minister of Finance at the time was David Lloyd George.

Il s'agit du langage particulier et ésotérique de la Loi sur le Parlement de 1911, qui nous vient — et je n'ai pas pensé à cela depuis un certain temps — du gouvernement de Herbert Asquith, plus tard fait lord Asquith, et du chancelier de l'Échiquier, ou ministre des Finances de l'époque, David Lloyd George.

Let us get back to legal interpretation. First, there is an important rule ofinterpretation that requires that the legislator understand words in the same way as the justiciable, which means, according to eminent author Paul-André Côté, giving words a meaning that they can have in everyday language, and not an artificial or esoteric one.

Revenons à l'interprétation des lois.Premièrement, il existe une importante règle d'interprétation qui veut que le législateur entend les mots dans le même sens que le justiciable, ce qui signifie, selon un éminent auteur, Paul-André Côté, donner aux mots un sens qu'ils peuvent avoir dans le langage courant, de ne pas leur donner un sens artificiel ou ésotérique.
