I'm pleased to tell you that due to the continuing support of loyal fans—this is particularly in western Canada—higher revenues, and really most of all because of strenuous cost controls that we have implemented, including a very rigidly enforced salary cap, which all the teams bought into.not only has this allowed us to create, I believe, a level playing field, which makes it more interesting for the fans, but we've also managed to right the CFL and get it back on its feet.
Je suis heureux de pouvoir vous dire que, grâce au soutien continu des loyaux partisans—surtout dans l'ouest du Canada—de revenus accrus et d'un contrôle très strict des coûts, y compris un plafond salarial que toutes les équipes ont accepté d'imposer sans dérogation.Nous avons pu égaliser les chances, ce qui rend le jeu plus intéressant pour les supporters, mais nous avons aussi redressé la LCF qui est maintenant sur pied.