Even more than the women, it was their sons, husbands and brothers who fell victim to a system that held human life in contempt and in violent conflicts, including American bombs and Vietnamese landmines, which, time and time again, blew people to their deaths or left them gravely wounded – something that they continue to do. What is left is poverty, need, a people torn up by their roots, and – it has to be said – a certain willingness to resort to violence.
Leurs fils, leurs maris et leurs frères ont été beaucoup plus victimes qu’elles d’un système méprisant la personne humaine et des confrontations violentes, notamment avec les bombes américaines et les mines vietnamiennes, qui continuent encore aujourd’hui à tuer des personnes ou à les blesser grièvement. Il ne reste que pauvreté, dénuement, déracinement et, il faut le dire, une certaine propension à la violence.