Had the official opposition, the Alli
ance, chosen to put forward a motion which urged that the Government of Canada participate and provide leadership in assisting with the reconstruction of Iraq and had it done so through the United Nation
s, then we would be first in line to say bravo. We would be the first in
line to support that return to multilateralism, to support the return from this romp with chaos and hegemony to an orderly approach, to somethi
...[+++]ng that the world must rally to support, but must support through the United Nations.
Si l'opposition officielle, l'Alliance, avait proposé une motion exhortant le gouvernement du Canada à participer et à assurer un leadership en aidant à reconstruire l'Irak sous l'égide des Nations Unies, nous aurions été les premiers à appuyer ce retour au multilatéralisme, à appuyer l'abandon du chaos et de l'hégémonie en faveur d'une approche ordonnée, d'une solution qui rallierait le soutien du monde entier, mais ce soutien doit passer par les Nations Unies.