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4WD system
Bed with coverings
Bed with covers
Bed with four hanging coverings
Bed with four hanging covers
Bed with four hanging textile panels
Bed with four loose coverings
Bed with four loose covers
Bed with four loose textile panels
Bed with four square coverings
Bed with four square covers
Bed with four square textile panels
Bed with textile panels
EU-Russia Common Spaces
Four EU-Russia common spaces
Four Spaces
Four common spaces
Four course rotation
Four jaw plate
Four wheel drive
Four wheel drive system
Four-color printing
Four-color printing process
Four-color process
Four-colour printing
Four-colour printing process
Four-colour process
Four-course rotation
Four-jaw independent chuck
Four-jaw independent lathe chuck
Four-wheel battery-powered scooter
Four-wheel drive
Four-wheel drive system
Four-wheel drive transmission
Four-wheel electric scooter
Four-wheel mobility scooter
Four-wheel scooter
Four-wheel-drive system
Four-wheeled electric scooter
Four-wheeled scooter
Four-year rotation

Vertaling van "Four Spaces " (Engels → Frans) :

EU-Russia Common Spaces | four common spaces | four EU-Russia common spaces | Four Spaces

quatre espaces communs | quatre espaces communs UE-Russie

bed with four square textile panels | bed with textile panels | bed with four square covers | bed with four square coverings | bed with four loose textile panels | bed with four loose covers | bed with four loose coverings | bed with four hanging textile panels | bed with four hanging covers | bed with four hanging coverings | bed with covers | bed with coverings

lit en housse | lit à housse

four-wheel drive system | 4WD system | four wheel drive system | four-wheel-drive system | four-wheel drive transmission | four-wheel drive | 4WD | four wheel drive | four-wheel-drive

transmission à quatre roues motrices | quatre roues motrices

A syndrome with characteristics of immune deficiency and neurological disorders in females and neonatal death in males. The syndrome has been described in only one family with nine affected individuals (five males and four females) spanning two gener

syndrome immuno-neurologique lié à l'X

This syndrome has characteristics of Hirschsprung disease and absence or hypoplasia of the nails and distal phalanges of the thumbs and great toes (type D brachydactyly). It has been described in four males from one family (two brothers and two mater

syndrome de maladie de Hirschsprung-brachydactylie type D

Pyknoachondrogenesis is a lethal skeletal osteochondrodysplasia characterised by severe generalised osteosclerosis. The disease is very rare and only five cases (four males and one female) have been reported in the literature so far. Pyknoachondrogen


four-colour printing | four-color printing | four-colour process | four-color process | four-colour printing process | four-color printing process

quadrichromie | impression quadrichromique

four jaw plate | four-jaw independent chuck | four-jaw independent lathe chuck

plateau à quatre mors | plateau à quatre mors à serrage indépendant | plateau à quatre mors indépendants

four course rotation | four-course rotation | four-year rotation

assolement quadriennal

four-wheel electric scooter [ four-wheel mobility scooter | four-wheel scooter | four-wheeled electric scooter | four-wheeled scooter | four-wheel battery-powered scooter ]

quadriporteur [ scooter électrique à quatre roues | scooter quatre roues ]
Expressed per capita, the US NASA civil space budget[8] is approximately four times higher than all the European civil space budgets combined (national, ESA and FP7).

Par habitant, le budget spatial civil de la NASA aux États-Unis[8] est près de quatre fois supérieur à tous les budgets spatiaux civils européens combinés (budgets nationaux, de l’ESA et du 7e programme-cadre).

The EU Russia summit in May 2005 adopted a set of road maps for four Common Spaces.

Le sommet Union européenne - Russie de mai 2005 adopta une série de feuilles de route pour quatre Espaces Communs.

They left four spaces empty. They used the money in the budget for those four members for regular operating costs, which is absolutely inappropriate.

L'argent prévu au budget pour ces quatre membres a été consacré aux frais de fonctionnement ordinaires, ce qui est tout à fait inapproprié.

After the presentation of the EU Space Strategy, the launch of four Galileo satellites with Ariane 5 and the initial services of Galileo – now comes a ‘giant leap' for Copernicus.

Après la présentation de la stratégie spatiale de l'UE, le lancement de quatre satellites Galileo par Ariane 5 et les services initiaux de Galileo, c'est au tour de Copernicus de faire un pas de géant.

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The Presidency noted that the four "spaces" were part of a single package.

La présidence a noté que les quatre "espaces" faisaient partie d'un seul et même ensemble.

The minimum space in which a queen and litter may be held is the space for a single cat, which should be gradually increased so that by four months of age litters have been re-housed to follow the above space requirements for adults.

La superficie minimale dont une chatte et sa portée devraient disposer est la même que celle pour un chat seul et devrait être augmentée graduellement de façon que, à l'âge de 4 mois, les chatons soient relogés conformément aux exigences d'espace ci-dessus pour les adultes.

These two agreements are part of the introduction of the “four common spaces” between the EU and Russia, one of which is the Common Space of Freedom, Security and Justice.

Ces deux accords s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la mise en place des « quatre espaces communs » entre l'UE et la Russie dont l'un d'entre eux concerne l'espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice.

The EU-Russia Summit on 21 May 2004 has discussed the next steps to develop the four Spaces launched at the EU-Russia Summit in St. Petersburg in May 2003, and notably the need to agree on an action plan on the Common Economic Space in the coming months.

Le sommet UE-Russie du 21 mai 2004 a examiné les prochaines étapes à franchir pour développer les quatre espaces communs dont l’initiative a été prise au sommet de Saint-Pétersbourg de mai 2003, et notamment la nécessité d’arrêter un plan d’action relatif à l’Espace économique commun au cours des mois à venir.

It is due to address the following issues: EURussia relations building the four "spaces" (common economic space; freedom, security and justice; external security; research and education), developments in Russia, developments in the EU and international issues.

Il examinera les questions suivantes : les relations entre l'UE et la Russie - la réalisation des quatre "espaces" (un espace économique commun; un espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice; un espace de sécurité extérieure et un espace pour la recherche et l'éducation), l'évolution de la situation en Russie, l'évolution de la situation dans l'UE et les questions internationales.

Further development of the Four Spaces and co-operation in the security sphere, in particular by combating new threats and by solving regional conflicts in our common neighbourhood, will enhance EU-Russia relations.

Un développement accru des quatre espaces et la poursuite de la coopération dans le domaine de la sécurité, notamment par la lutte contre les nouvelles menaces et le règlement des conflits régionaux chez nos voisins communs, renforcera les relations UE-Russie.
