When it's a matter of hate in and of itself in other words, where someone is not intimidating anyone else but is simply the person on the fringe who, because of whatever baggage they happen to personally have, expresses thoughts that are obviously hateful, obviously morally reprehensible we as a society do best to leave that person alone in terms of government sanction and instead allow the free debate that goes on in society to apply the appropriate consequences to that person.
Par contre, quand c'est une expression de haine isolée—autrement dit, lorsqu'il n'y a pas d'intimidation, mais qu'un individu, en raison de ses circonstances personnelles, exprime des pensées manifestement haineuses et moralement répréhensibles—le gouvernement n'impose pas de sanctions, mais donne libre cours au débat sociétal qui jugera des conséquences d'un tel comportement.