According to the 2006 census, over 3,720 residents of the Northwest Territories are currently able to speak French, which is 9.1% of the total population; 2.6% the population of the People of the North have French as their first official language out of a total of approximately 41,055 residents; 8 out of every 10 Franco People of the North were born outside the Northwest Territories; a little over 9% of French speaking People of the North were born abroad.
Selon le recensement de 2006, plus de 3 720 personnes ont aujourd'hui la capacité de parler le français à l'échelle du territoire, soit 9,1 p. 100 de la population; 2,6 p. 100 de la population ténoise avait le français pour première langue officielle sur un total d'environ 41 055 habitants; 8 Franco-Ténois sur 10 sont nés hors du territoire; un peu plus de 9 p. 100 des francophones des Territoires du Nord-Ouest sont nés hors du pays.