The Community side confirmed its commitment to "substantially increase" its overall aid to the region, with emphasis on supporting projects aimed at the
reactivation of the Central American economic integration process, in particular as concerns, interegional trade development in the agro-industrial sector, and support for health programs, the establishment of cooperatives, etc.The Community side also undertook the firm insistance of the Central American side,to give particular attention to the
problems resulting from variations in earni ...[+++]ngs from commodity expots from the countries of the region, as well as to seek further improvements in the GSP in the context of the cooperation agreement, and to help promote exports of non-traditional goods.La Communaute a confirme son engagement a augmenter de maniere substantielle son aide globale a la region et, dans ce cadre a mettre l'accent sur les projets visant a relancer le processus d'integration econo
mique de l'Amerique centrale, notamment en ce qui concerne le developpement commercial interregional dans le secteur agro-industriel, le soutien aux programmes sanitaires, la creation de cooperatives, etc.- 3 - Sur l'insistance des pays d'Amerique centrale, la Communaute s'est aussi engagee a accorder une attention particuliere aux problemes resultant des ecarts entre les recettes d'exportation des produits de base d'un pays de la re
...[+++]gion a l'autre, a apporter de nouvelles ameliorations au SPG dans le cadre de l'Accord de cooperation, enfin a contribuer a la promotion des exportations de biens non traditionnels.