The bigger question is when the world is
demanding Canadian grain, which is typically during our fall period, and when the producers demand of us as grain companies to take the grain.[Technical difficulty Editor].buy the grain, the railways have never, ever been able to meet that demand. So this whole issue that it's a bumper crop, as I mentioned before, is a small part of the problem, which is that the railways have never serviced th
e needs of Canadian customers and of the farmers and of the grain c
ompanies during the ...[+++]harvest period.
Le plus grand problème, c'est quand le monde exige du grain canadien, ce qui est généralement en période automnale, et quand les producteurs exigent de nous, en tant que compagnie productrice de grains, d'amener les grains.[Note de la rédaction: difficultés techniques].acheter le grain, les compagnies ferroviaires n'arrivent jamais, ne sont jamais arrivées à répondre à cette demande.