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Advertise amusement park attractions
Announce amusement park attractions
Announce amusement parks' attractions
Announce attractions at amusement park
Announce bingo game numbers
Announce bingo numbers
Call bingo numbers aloud
Call delay recorded announcement
Call out bingo numbers
First circular
Give cues to announcers
House announcer
Housing construction
Housing improvements
Housing modernisation
Housing modernization
Housing policy
Housing renovation
Improvement of housing
Improvement of the housing environment
Improvement of the residential environment
Improvement of the residential milieu
Indicate cues to announcers
Initial announcement
Intercept to recorded announcement
Modernisation of housing
Modernisation of the housing environment
Modernisation of the residential environment
Modernisation of the residential milieu
Modernization of housing
Modernization of the housing environment
Modernization of the residential environment
Modernization of the residential milieu
Preliminary announcement
Recorded announcement intercept
Recorded attendant overflow announcement
Recorded delay announcement
Recorded intercept
Recorded overflow announcement
Recorded voice announcement intercept
Renovation of housing
Residential building
Signal cues to announcers
Signalling cues to announcers
Trace tug
Track announcer
Track tipster

Traduction de «House announcer » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
tout | tipster | track tipster | trace | trace tug | house announcer | track announcer

trait | passeur de faux renseignements | attaché de trait | annonceur officiel

give cues to announcers | indicate cues to announcers | signal cues to announcers | signalling cues to announcers

signaler les cues à des annonceurs | signaler les débuts de morceau à des annonceurs

advertise amusement park attractions | announce amusement parks' attractions | announce amusement park attractions | announce attractions at amusement park

annoncer les attractions d'un parc de loisirs

recorded delay announcement | recorded overflow announcement | call delay recorded announcement | recorded attendant overflow announcement

message d'attente | annonce de patience

improvement of housing [ housing improvements | housing modernisation | housing modernization | housing renovation | improvement of the housing environment | improvement of the residential environment | improvement of the residential milieu | modernisation of housing | modernisation of the housing environment | modernisation of the residential environment | modernisation of the residential milieu | modernization of housing | modernization of the housing environment | modernization of the residential environment | modernization of the residential milieu | renovation of housing ]

amélioration du logement [ amélioration de l'habitat | modernisation de l'habitat | modernisation de logement | rénovation d'habitation | rénovation de l'habitat ]

recorded voice announcement intercept | recorded announcement intercept | recorded intercept | intercept to recorded announcement

interception vers message enregist

announce bingo game numbers | call out bingo numbers | announce bingo numbers | call bingo numbers aloud

annoncer les numéros du bingo

first circular | initial announcement | preliminary announcement

annonce préliminaire | première annonce

housing policy [ housing construction ]

politique du logement [ construction de logement | politique de l'habitat ]

housing [ dwelling | residential building ]

logement [ habitation ]
In contrast, the proposals regarding housing are inadequate for the scale of the problem [21]. And it is regrettable that no major measures are announced to help certain specific categories, such as asylum seekers, travellers and people living in areas of deprivation, apart from those who are covered by urban policy measures.

En revanche, il existe un décalage entre les propositions et l'ampleur du problème de logement [21] Par ailleurs, on regrettera que certaines catégories spécifiques comme les demandeurs d'asile, les gens du voyage ou les habitants de territoires en déshérence, hormis ceux relevant de la politique de la ville, ne fassent pas l'objet de développements plus importants.

The motions for resolutions to be tabled under Rule 123(2) would be announced in the House at a later time.

Les propositions de résolution à déposer conformément à l'article 123, paragraphe 2, du règlement, seront annoncées ultérieurement.

The Committee notes that, in March 2005, the federal Minister of Labour and Housing announced that rent supplement programs would henceforth be eligible for funding under the existing Affordable Housing Initiative launched to fund the construction of new affordable housing units.

Le Comité remarque avec intérêt que le ministre fédéral du Travail et du Logement a annoncé en mars 2005 que les programmes de supplément au loyer seraient désormais admissibles au financement accordé par le biais de l’Initiative en matière de logement abordable lancée pour financer la construction de logements abordables.

The reality is that the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food in this House announced $900 million for the farm community.

La réalité, c'est que le ministre de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire a annoncé à la Chambre que 900 millions de dollars seraient versés à la collectivité agricole.

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In March last year, immediately after the Commission's reform proposals were adopted, the White House announced that it would work with Congress to produce a "Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights".

En mars 2013, immédiatement après l'adoption des propositions de réforme de la Commission, la Maison Blanche a annoncé qu’elle travaillerait de concert avec le Congrès pour faire voter une «déclaration des droits à la vie privée des consommateurs» (Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights).

whereas in 2009 the Chinese Government announced a USD 500 million ‘Kashgar Dangerous House Reform’ programme of urban reconstruction, which, since 2009, has been progressively destroying the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar, the plan beíng to demolish 85 % of the traditional Old City, replace it with modern apartment blocks, and convert the remaining old parts of the city into mixed Sino-Uyghur tourist sites,

considérant que, en 2009, le gouvernement chinois a annoncé un programme de reconstruction urbaine de 500 millions de dollars (Kashgar Dangerous House Reform) qui, depuis ce moment, s'est traduit par la destruction progressive de Kashgar, ancienne cité de la route de la soie, puisqu'il prévoit de démolir 85 % de la vieille ville et de construire à la place des immeubles d'appartements modernes et de convertir les parties anciennes restantes de la cité en site touristique mixte sino-ouïghour,

In fact, we have brought forward $300 million in new housing announcements for northern communities and $300 million for off reserve housing as well.

En fait, nous avons annoncé des investissements de 300 millions de dollars pour la construction de nouveaux logements dans les collectivités du Nord et de 300 millions de dollars également pour le logement hors-réserve.

Could the Secretary of State responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation advise the House on the status of the federal housing agreements with the provinces and territories related to the $680 million for affordable housing announced in the 2001 budget?

Le secrétaire d'État responsable de la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement peut-il informer la Chambre au sujet de l'état des accords de logement intervenus entre le gouvernement fédéral et les provinces et territoires dans le cadre du programme de 680 millions de dollars prévu dans le budget de 2001 pour le logement abordable?

In contrast, the proposals regarding housing are inadequate for the scale of the problem [21]. And it is regrettable that no major measures are announced to help certain specific categories, such as asylum seekers, travellers and people living in areas of deprivation, apart from those who are covered by urban policy measures.

En revanche, il existe un décalage entre les propositions et l'ampleur du problème de logement [21] Par ailleurs, on regrettera que certaines catégories spécifiques comme les demandeurs d'asile, les gens du voyage ou les habitants de territoires en déshérence, hormis ceux relevant de la politique de la ville, ne fassent pas l'objet de développements plus importants.

We had part of this House announce even before the hearings started that they intended to reject the Commission.

Certaines parties de l'Assemblée avait annoncé avant le début même des auditions leur intention de rejeter la Commission.

D'autres ont cherché : advertise amusement park attractions     announce amusement park attractions     announce amusement parks' attractions     announce attractions at amusement park     announce bingo game numbers     announce bingo numbers     call bingo numbers aloud     call delay recorded announcement     call out bingo numbers     dwelling     first circular     give cues to announcers     house announcer     housing     housing construction     housing improvements     housing modernisation     housing modernization     housing policy     housing renovation     improvement of housing     improvement of the housing environment     improvement of the residential environment     improvement of the residential milieu     indicate cues to announcers     initial announcement     intercept to recorded announcement     modernisation of housing     modernisation of the housing environment     modernisation of the residential environment     modernisation of the residential milieu     modernization of housing     modernization of the housing environment     modernization of the residential environment     modernization of the residential milieu     preliminary announcement     recorded announcement intercept     recorded attendant overflow announcement     recorded delay announcement     recorded intercept     recorded overflow announcement     recorded voice announcement intercept     renovation of housing     residential building     signal cues to announcers     signalling cues to announcers     tipster     trace tug     track announcer     track tipster     House announcer     

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'House announcer' ->

Date index: 2021-06-07