[25] Belgium (Child Focus), Denmark (Red Barnet), Germany (FSM, ECO, jugendschutz.net), Greece (Netwatch), Spain (Protegeles), France (AFA-France), Ireland (Hotline), Italy (Save the Children Italy), Netherlands (Meldpunt-), Austria (Stopline), Finland (Save the Children Finland), Sweden (Save the Children Sweden), United Kingdom(IWF).
[25] Belgique (Child Focus), Danemark (Red Barnet), Allemagne (FSM, ECO, jugendschutz.net), Grèce (Netwatch), Espagne (Protegeles), France (AFA-France), Irlande (Hotline), Italie (Save the Children Italy), Pays-Bas (Meldpunt-), Autriche (Stopline), Finlande (Save the Children Finland), Suède (Save the Children Sweden), Royaume-Uni (IWF).