The reason for that is that only those who do not think their own opinion is the last word or in every respect superior to someone else’s can have any sort of interest in finding out what others think, what they have experienced and what they have learned. It is only those, too, who concede that others can have smart ideas, can have a moral stance and act in a responsible manner who are ready to learn from them, and in doing so they can win, grow and develop themselves.
Seul celui qui ne considère pas son opinion parfaite ou supérieure à tous les égards peut s’intéresser aux points de vue des autres et découvrir leurs expériences et leurs connaissances. Seul celui qui attribue à l’autre des pensées intelligentes, une attitude morale et une action responsable est prêt à apprendre de l’autre. Il pourra dès lors gagner, grandir et se développer.