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American Warehouse Association
Canadian Warehouse Association
International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses
International Exhibition Logistics Associates
International Warehouse Logistics Association

Traduction de «International Warehouse Logistics Association » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
International Warehouse Logistics Association [ IWLA | American Warehouse Association | Canadian Association of Warehousing and Distribution Services | Canadian Warehouse Association ]

International Warehouse Logistics Association [ IWLA | American Warehouse Association | Association canadienne des entreposeurs et distributeurs | Association canadienne des entreposeurs ]

International Exhibition Logistics Associates

International Exhibition Logistics Associates

International Federation of Warehousing and Logistics Associations | IFWLA [Abbr.]

Fédération internationale des associations d'entrepositaires et de prestataires logistiques

International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses

International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union of Canada and the B.C. Marine Employers Association have seen fit to end this lockout in a sensible way.

L'Association internationale des débardeurs et l'Association des employeurs maritimes de la Colombie-Britannique ont en effet pris la sage décision de mettre fin au lock-out.

I happened to be the president of the BC Maritime Employers Association, and prior to my retirement we were dealing with two port authorities, two railways, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union.

Il se trouve que j'étais président de BC Maritime Employers Association et, avant que je ne prenne ma retraite, nous traitions avec deux administrations portuaires, deux sociétés ferroviaires ainsi que la International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union.

By letters dated 26, 27 and 28 July 2011, five road haulage companies and representative associations (LKW Walter Internationale Transportorganisation AG, Youngs Transportation Logistics Ltd, Laser Transport International Limited, Carna Transport Ltd and Road Haulage association international group) communicated their comments to the Commission.

Par lettres des 26, 27 et 28 juillet 2011, cinq entreprises de transport routier et associations représentatives (LKW Walter Internationale Transportorganisation AG, Youngs Transportation Logistics Ltd, Laser Transport International Limited, Carna Transport Ltd et Road Haulage association international group) ont communiqué leurs observations à la Commission.

TABLING OF DOCUMENTS By unanimous consent, Ms. Bradshaw (Minister of Labour) laid upon the Table, Letters from the B.C. Maritime Employers' Association and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada concerning an agreement on the west coast port work stoppage (English text only).

DÉPÔT DE DOCUMENTS Du consentement unanime, M Bradshaw (ministre du Travail) dépose sur le Bureau, Lettres de la B.C. Maritime Employers' Association et du International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada concernant un accord sur l'arrêt de travail des opérations portuaires de la côte ouest (texte anglais seulement).

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Community aid referred to in Articles 1, 2 and 4 may be used to finance the purchase and delivery of any product or equipment needed for the implementation of humanitarian operations, including the construction of housing or shelter for the victims, the costs associated with the outside staff, expatriate or local, employed for those operations, the storage, international or national transport, logistics and distribution of relief and any other action aimed at facilitating ...[+++]

Les aides de la Communauté visées aux articles 1, 2 et 4 peuvent financer l'achat et la fourniture de tout produit ou matériel nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre des actions humanitaires, y compris la construction des logements ou des abris pour les populations concernées, les dépenses liées au personnel externe, expatrié ou local, engagé dans le cadre de ces actions, le stockage, l'acheminement, international ou national, l'appui logistique et la distribution des secours, ai ...[+++]

Following an invitation by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA), and on the initiative of the European Federation of pharmaceutical industry associations (EFPIA) the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (Koseicho) have also accepted to co-sponsor this conference; logistical support will be provided by the 3 concerned regional pharmaceutic ...[+++]

A la suite d'une invitation lancée par la Fédération Internationale des Associations des Industries Pharmaceutiques (IFPMA) et à l'initiative de la Fédération Européenne (EFPIA), la US Food and Drug Administration ainsi que le Ministère de la Santé du Japon ont également accepté de co- organiser la conférence .

The Association Secretary is assisted by the staff of the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Directorate who provide administrative and logistical support to association members of both Houses of Parliament.

Le secrétaire d'association est appuyé par le personnel de la Direction des affaires internationales et interparlementaires, qui fournit un soutien administratif et logistique aux membres des associations des deux chambres du Parlement.

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Date index: 2023-01-03