The question is an important one, given the extent to which the public image of the European institutions has become confused, if not suspect, and with good cause: how are people to find their way around the issue when, for all these years, votes from the left and right have systematically combined to administer the liberal economic model, or when Mr Blair and Mr Aznar, like their supporters in this House, have combined their efforts to support George W. Bush in his military adventure.
La question est d'importance tant est devenue confuse, sinon suspecte, l'image des institutions européennes auprès de nos opinions publiques, et pour cause: comment y trouver ses repères quand, toutes ces années durant, des voix de gauche et de droite se sont systématiquement mêlées pour gérer le modèle économique libéral ou que MM. Blair et Aznar, tout comme leurs supporters parmi nous, ont joint leurs efforts pour appuyer George W. Bush dans son aventure guerrière.