It should launch an information campaign which is both bold and level-headed, seeking maximum flexibility and precision in its modus operandi. This is all the more true now that the committee is branching out in its external relations sending delegations to the Asturias, Denmark and Scotland in 2002 for example, giving the MEPs involved the opportunity of leaving their ‘ivory tower’ and discussing problems directly and on the spot with the individual citizens affected.
Cela est d'autant plus vrai au fur et à mesure que les relations extérieures de la commission se ramifient grâce aux délégations- comme celles organisées, en 2002, aux Asturies, au Danemark et en Ecosse, - qui donnent l'occasion aux MEPs participants de sortir de la "citadelle" pour se mettre directement à l'écoute des citoyens sur le terrain d'où proviennent leurs problèmes.