In fact, a list was published recently in the Globe and Mail, containing around a hundred political appointments
to various boards, associations, and commissions (1625) Under the title ``It pays to be a Liberal'', the Globe and Mail published a whole page giving a list of people for whom it really paid to be Liberals, people like Richard Croft, director, National Research Council, former Liberal fund-raiser and key leadership organizer for the present Prime Minister; Patrick Lavelle, chairma
n, Federal Business Development Bank, Ontario chair ...[+++]man of the present Prime Minister's leadership campaigns in 1984 and 1990; Jack Reid, Governor General of Saskatchewan, chairman of the present Prime Minister's leadership campaign; John Cordeau, director, Petro-Canada, Manitoba campaign chairman for the present Prime Minister; David McLain, chairman, CNRail, fund-raiser in the leadership campaign of the present Prime Minister.La liste a d'ailleurs été publiée tout récemment dans le Globe and Mail, une liste compilée d'à peu près une centaine de nominations politiques de patronage dan
s des conseils, des associations, des commissions (1625) Dans le Globe and Mail, on a titré un article ainsi: «It Pays to be a Liberal». En effet, it pays to be a Liberal, car là-dedans, on y lit ceci: «Richard Kroft, directeur, Centre national de recherche, a été un Liberal fundraiser, key leadership organizer for the present prime minister; Patrick Lavelle, chairma
n, Federal Business Development Bank, Ont ...[+++]ario chairman of the present Prime Minister's leadership campaign of 1984, 1990; Jack Weibe, Governor General of Saskatchewan, chairman of the present Prime Minister's leadership campaign; John Cordeau, director, Petro-Canada, Manitoba campaign chairman for the present Prime Minister; David Maclean, chairman, CN Rail, fundraiser in the leadership campaign of the present Prime Minister».