In fact, we put forward ideas that included a requirement of having independent auditors appointed, having board members appointed who had no conflict of interest, having whistleblower protection for people in the industries where they noticed there were problems and wanted to let someone know, to ensure that there were some actual checks on CEOs and their excessive salary and benefit packages, to ensure that there was some mechanism in place to prevent that kind of excessive abuse by executives of large companies who end up finding a way to take advantage of individual clients and customers.
En fait, nous avons suggéré, entre autres idées, la nomination de vérificateurs indépendants, la nomination de membres du conseil qui ne seraient pas en conflit d'intérêts, l'existence d'un système de protection des dénonciateurs pour les gens qui remarquent un problème et veulent le signaler, ce qui assurerait un contrôle réel des agissements des PDG de grandes sociétés, avec leurs salaires et avantages sociaux excessifs.