Against that background, the specific objectives of the programme are as follows: - to increase the ability of the NARP and of the departments working for the Minister for Administrative Reform (the OMSAR), responsible for implementing this programme and overall administrative reform, to perform studies, programming, project identification and follow-up and g
eneral coordination functions; - to restore essential
management functions to key enti
ties in central and local government and help ...[+++] bring these institutions back into normal operation by arranging targeted or pilot activities or studies.Dans ce cadre, les objectifs specifiques du projet sont les suivants: - renforcer les capacites d'etude, de programmation, d'identification et suivi de projet et de coordination generale du NARP, des services du Ministere d'Etat a la Reforme Administrative (OMSAR), charge de la mise en oeuvre de ce programme et de la reforme d'ensemble de l'Administration;
- reconstituer les fonctions de gestion essentielles d'administrations- cibles, aux
niveaux central et local, et contribuer, par des actions ou des etudes specifiques ou pilotes, a
...[+++] retablir un fonctionnement normal de ces institutions.