Here are some examples of towns in Canada that have paid a total in income tax of about $250 million: Heart's Delight, Deer Lake and Stephenville in Newfoundland and Labrador; Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia; Sackville, New Brunswick; Montebello, Quebec; Barry's Bay, Cochrane and Sioux Lookout in Ontario; Flin Flon, Manitoba; Churchill, Saskatchewan; Fort Macleod, Alberta; and on it goes.
Voici des exemples de villes du Canada qui ont payé environ 250 millions de dollars en impôt: Heart's Delight, Deer Lake et Stephenville, à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador; Mahone Bay, en Nouvelle-Écosse; Sackville, au Nouveau-Brunswick; Montebello, au Québec; Barry's Bay, Cochrane et Sioux Lookout, en Ontario; Flin Flon, au Manitoba; Churchill, en Saskatchewan; Fort Macleod, en Alberta; et ainsi de suite.