COMMUNITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY : the development of a genuine Euroean telecommunications area is proceeding step by step_ The third communication adopted by the Commission takes stock of progress to date with regard to the Community telecommunications programme : - concertation on the development of telecommunications networks and services in the Community and comm
on in- frastructure projects; - creation of a Community market in terminals and equip- ment; - development of the technologies necessary for the esta- blishment of future broadband networks: - 3 - - improved access for the less favoured regions of the Community to the be
...[+++]nefit of the development of advanced services and networks; - coordination of negotiating positions within internatio- nal organizations dealing with telecommunications.POLITIQUE COMMUNAUTAIRE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS: le developpement d'un veritable espace europeen des telecom progresse pas a pas. La troiseme communication adoptee par la Commission fait le point sur l'etat d'avancement du programme communautaire en matiere de telecommunications: - concertation sur le developpement des reseaux et services de telecom da
ns la Communaute et projets communs d'infrastructure; - creation d'un marche communautaire des terminaux et des equipements; - developpement des technologies necessaires a l'etablissement de futurs reseaux a large bande; - meilleur acces des regions defavorisees de la Communaute aux avant
...[+++]ages du developpement des services et reseaux avances; - coordination des positions de negociation au sein des organisations internationales traitant de telecommunications.