rhinophyma | hammer nose | potato nose | acne hypertrophia | whisky nose | topers' nose | strawberry nose | rum nose | copper nose | brandy nose | rum-blossom | rosacea hypertrophica | hypertrophic rosacea
diagnose diseases of ear, nose and throat | examine diseases of ear, nose and throat | diagnose diseases of ear, nose, and throat | diagnose diseases of nose, ear and throat
The article shall not comprise plastic decals which are detachable by the force a child can apply or any other impermeable sheeting of the bath ring which can cover both the mouth and the nose and constitute a suffocation hazard.
Le produit ne doit contenir aucune décalcomanie en plastique qui peut être détachée sous l’effet d’une force susceptible d’être exercée par un enfant ou tout autre revêtement imperméable pouvant couvrir la bouche et le nez et faire courir un risque de suffocation.
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