From the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, we have Jayson Myers, president and CEO; from the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, we have Christopher Smillie, senior advisor;
from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, we have David Collyer, president; from the Canadian Nuclear Association, we have Denise Carpenter, president and chief executive officer; fro
m the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations, we have Terry Rees, executive director; a
nd from the Ontario ...[+++]Commercial Fisheries' Association, we have Mr. Peter Meisenheimer, executive director.Voici les témoins qui vont comparaître: Jayson Myers, président et chef de la direction de Manufacturiers et Exportateurs du Canada; Christopher Smillie, conseiller principal, Département des métiers de la construction de FAT-COI; David Coll
yer, président de l'Association canadienne des producteurs pétroliers; Denise Carpenter, présidente et chef de la direction de l'Association nucléaire canadienne; Terry Rees, directeur général
de la Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations; et Peter Meisenheimer, directeur ex
écutif de ...[+++]l'Ontario Commercial Fischeries Association.