This programme, cofinanced with France, involves a series of training and experience exchange sc
hemes (regional and national) and preinvestment schemes (consultansy
services, studies, surveys and detailed analyses) cent
red on the issue of food security in the region (i.e. in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama). The aim is to establish a regional framework for a food security policy and to identify co
...[+++]ncrete schemes to achieve this result in areas such as information, production , marketing, credit and research. - project entitled "Child survival in Central America". The aim here is to improve infant and maternity health policies in Central America, infant motality being particularly high in the region. The project, which the Community and Italy are cofinancing in roughly equal shares, will cost some 31 million dollars and be implemented with technical assistance from UNICEF. It consists essentially of training/information schemes, operating at all levels (advisory and programming staff, field managers and target population groups), and making available the necessary resources (medical equipment, medicines, transport equipment and vehicles).-
4 - - D'un projet de "Survie de l'enfant en Amerique Centrale" Il vise a l'amelioration des politiques de sante
materno- infantile dans la region centro-americaine, qui connait des taux de mortalite infantile particulierement eleves. D'un montant approximatif de 31 millions de dollars, il est cofinance a parts pratiquement egales par la Communaute europeenne et le gouvernement italien, et sera execute avec le concours technique de l'UNICEF. Le projet consiste ess
entiellement en des ...[+++]actions de formation/information a tous les niveaux : administrations chargees de la conception/programmation, responsables de terrain, populations cibles, ainsi qu'en la mise a disposition de moyens : materiel medical, medicaments, equipement et moyens de transport.