In my paper, I refer to famous historian and political philosopher Henry Adams, who, at the turn of the century, in 1900, wrote in his famous, The Education of Henry Adams that in his own lifetime there had been a kind of law of acceleration, that events were coming thick and fast and science and technology were changing so dramatically that he had great fears about the ability of his society to understand what was occurring.
Dans mon mémoire, je renvoie le lecteur au célèbre historien et philosophe politique Henry Adams qui, au tournant du siècle, c'est-à-dire en 1900, a écrit son fameux livre intitulé The Education of Henry Adams, dans lequel il affirme que, de son vivant, le cours des événements s'est précipité, que les événements se multiplient et s'enchaînent rapidement et que les sciences et la technologie changent si radicalement qu'il craint beaucoup que sa société soit incapable d'en saisir l'importance.