By 2020, British Columbia's port system will have: an international reputation for a secure, world-class port system wit
h exemplary service performance from dockside to customer; st
ate of the art port terminals that use an appropriate mix of technology and people; the needs of industry and local communities in balance while preserving the environment and ensuring safety and security; one consistent region-wide approac
h to infrastructure planning and devel ...[+++]opment with integration across the entire supply chain, avoiding duplication and overlap; a common policy approach across all levels of government that treats the port system as a strategic asset and economic generator, stimulating investment; and finally, a growing, productive and prosperous workforce.
En 2020, le système portuaire de la Colombie-Britannique pourra compter sur une réputation internationale en tant que port de niveau mondial offrant des services du quai au consommateur, des terminaux portuaires à la fine pointe combinant des ressources technologiques et humaines. Il répondra aux besoins de l'industrie et des collectivités locales tout en protégeant l'environnement et en assurant la sûreté et la sécurité.