(c) shall not, if a statement pursuant to paragraph 89(2)(b) is made in the request, give its ruling on the question until after it makes an order or finding in the inquiry commenced as a consequence of its receipt of notice of the preliminary determination referred to in that paragraph, unless, after the request is made to the Tribunal, it receives notice pursuant to subsection 41(4) that the investigation has been terminated pursuant to subsection 41(1) in respect of the goods specified in the preliminary determination, in which case the Tribunal shall give its ruling on the question forthwith after it receives that notice.
c) dans le cas visé à l’alinéa 89(2)b), ne rend sa décision qu’après avoir rendu l’ordonnance ou les conclusions sur l’enquête ouverte à la suite de la réception de l’avis de décision provisoire ou, le cas échéant, dès la réception de l’avis de clôture d’enquête visé au paragraphe 41(4) et relatif aux marchandises précisées dans la décision provisoire.