On Clause 12, Stéphane Bergeron moved, That Bill C-2, in Clause 12, be amended by replacing lines 36 to 40 on page 9 with the following: " by-election unless his or her principal place of residence on polling day is situated in the same electoral district that includes the polling division in which was situated the electors principal place of residence at the begin-" After debate, by unanimous consent, Stéphane Bergeron was permitted to withdraw his motion.
Article 12, Stéphane Bergeron propose, Que le projet de loi C-2 , à l'article 12, soit modifié par substitution aux lignes 37 à 39, page 9, de ce qui suit : " jour du scrutin, à résider principalement dans la circonscription où se trouve la section de vote où il résidait principalement au début de " Après débat, du consentement unanime, Stéphane Bergeron est autorisé à retirer sa motion.