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Currency quantity adjusting option
Fixed exchange rate foreign equity option
Guaranteed exchange rate contract
Guaranteed exchange rate option
Quantity adjusting option
Quanto CDS
Quanto credit default swap
Quanto option
Quanto product

Traduction de «Quanto » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
quanto [ quanto product | guaranteed exchange rate contract ]

quanto [ dérivé quanto ]

quanto option | guaranteed exchange rate option | quantity adjusting option

option quanto

quanto option [ guaranteed exchange rate option | quantity adjusting option ]

option quanto

currency quantity adjusting option [ QUANTO | fixed exchange rate foreign equity option ]

option sur action étrangère à couverture de change fixe
Quanto's law would honour the memory of Edmonton Police Service dog Quanto, as well as Brigadier and many other law enforcement animals that made the ultimate sacrifice.

La Loi de Quanto honorera la mémoire du chien Quanto, de la police d'Edmonton, du cheval Brigadier et de nombreux autres animaux d'assistance policière morts en devoir.

Bill C-35 is called “Quanto's law” in remembrance of Quanto, the police service dog killed in Edmonton trying to stop a fleeing suspect.

Le projet de loi C-35 a été surnommé la loi de Quanto en hommage au chien d'assistance policière tué à Edmonton en tentant d'arrêter un suspect en fuite.

It is also called Quanto's law in honour of the police dog which was stabbed to death while helping to apprehend a fleeing suspect in Edmonton, Alberta in October 2013.

Il est également appelé Loi de Quanto, en hommage au chien policier qui a été poignardé à mort alors qu'il participait à l'arrestation d'un suspect en fuite à Edmonton, en Alberta, en octobre 2013.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak to Bill C-35, also known as Quanto's law.

Monsieur le Président, je prends la parole aujourd'hui au sujet du projet de loi C-35, qu'on appelle communément la Loi de Quanto.

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Justice for Animals in Service Act (Quanto's Law)

Loi sur la justice pour les animaux qui fournissent de l'assistance (Loi de Quanto)

Direttiva 2008/122/CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 14 gennaio 2009, sulla tutela dei consumatori per quanto riguarda taluni aspetti dei contratti di multiproprietà, dei contratti relativi ai prodotti per le vacanze di lungo termine e dei contratti di rivendita e di scambio

Direttiva 2008/122/CE sulla tutela dei consumatori per quanto riguarda taluni aspetti dei contratti di multiproprietà, dei contratti relativi ai prodotti per le vacanze di lungo termine e dei contratti di rivendita e di scambio

datacenter (1): (

'Quanto' ->

Date index: 2023-11-10