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Alberta Health and Social Development
Applied research for textile development
Department of Development
Department of Development and Tourism
Department of Economic Development
Department of Health
Department of Health and Social Development
Department of Industrial Development
Department of Public Health
Department of Public Welfare
Department of Social Development
European Launcher Development Organisation
European Launcher Development Organization
European Space Agency
European Space Research Organisation
European Space Research Organization
Framework Programme for Research and Development
Framework Programme on Research and Development
Manage development and research projects
Manage research and development projects
Managing research and development projects
Market research manager
Oversee research and development projects
R and D department
R&TD Framework Programme
RTD Framework Programme
Research & Development & Innovation
Research and Development Framework Programme
Research and development
Research and development and innovation
Research and development department
Research and development in textiles
Research and development manager
Research and development supervisor
Research applied to textile products' development

Vertaling van "Research and development department " (Engels → Frans) :

research and development department [ R and D department ]

département recherche et développement [ département R et D ]

Framework Programme for Research and Development [ Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development | Framework Programme on Research and Development | FRDP | R&TD Framework Programme | RDFP | Research and Development Framework Programme | RTD Framework Programme ]

programme-cadre de recherche et développement [ PCRD | PCRDT | programme-cadre de RDT | programme-cadre de recherche | programme-cadre de recherche et développement technologique ]

Department of Development [ Department of Development and Tourism | Department of Development | Department of Industrial Development | Department of Economic Development ]

Department of Development [ Department of Development and Tourism | Department of Development | Department of Industrial Development | Department of Economic Development ]

managing research and development projects | oversee research and development projects | manage development and research projects | manage research and development projects

gérer des projets de R&D | gérer des projets de recherche et développement

Alberta Health and Social Development [ Department of Health and Social Development | Department of Social Development | Department of Public Welfare | Department of Health | Department of Public Health ]

Alberta Health and Social Development [ Department of Health and Social Development | Department of Social Development | Department of Public Welfare | Department of Health | Department of Public Health ]

applied research for textile development | research applied to textile products' development | research and development in textiles | scientific and technological innovation for textile products development

recherche et développement dans les textiles

R&D&I | Research & Development & Innovation | research and development and innovation | research, development and innovation | RDI [Abbr.]

recherche, développement et innovation | recherche-développement-innovation | R&D&I [Abbr.] | RDI [Abbr.]

research and development supervisor | researcher | market research manager | research and development manager

directrice de recherche-développement en industrie | responsable recherche-développement en industrie | directeur de recherche-développement en industrie/directrice de recherche-développement en industrie | directrice R&D

European Space Agency [ ELDO | ESA [acronym] ESRO | European Launcher Development Organisation | European Launcher Development Organization | European Organization for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers | European Space Research Organisation | European Space Research Organization | European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organisation | European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organization ]

Agence spatiale européenne [ CECLES | Centre européen de recherches spatiales | CERS | ESA | OERS | Organisation européenne de recherches spatiales | Organisation européenne pour la mise au point et la construction de lanceurs d'engins spatiaux ]
These could, for example, be chosen from among the following: the development of human resources for public and private research, more especially the degree of mobility at all levels and the conditions under which researchers from other European countries are able to stay; public investment in basic research; action by Member States to encourage private investment in research, in line with the Commission Communication "More research for Europe: Towards 3% of GDP"; [13] local clustering of research and development ...[+++]

A titre indicatif, les thèmes envisagés pourraient être choisis parmi les suivants : le développement des ressources humaines pour la recherche publique et privée, plus particulièrement le taux de mobilité à tous niveaux et les conditions d'accueil des chercheurs d'autres pays européens ; les investissements publics en recherche fondamentale ; les mesures prises par les Etats membres pour encourager l'investissement privé en recherche, dans la ligne de la Communication d ...[+++]

The Budapest Document sets out two main objectives for Eurostars-2. Firstly, a structural-oriented objective to deepen the synchronisation and alignment of the national research programmes in the field of funding, which is a central element towards the realisation of the European Research Area by the member countries. Secondly a content-related objective to support research and development performing SMEs engaging in transnational research and innovation projects.

Le document de Budapest énonce deux grands objectifs pour Eurostars-2: en premier lieu, un objectif d'ordre structurel visant à approfondir la synchronisation et l'alignement des programmes nationaux de recherche dans le domaine du financement, élément central pour la réalisation de l'espace européen de la recherche par les pays membres; en second lieu, un objectif lié au contenu pour soutenir les PME exerçant des activités de recherche et de développement ...[+++]

Having the aim to improve translational biomedical research by developing a European advanced translational research infrastructure consisting of key preclinical and clinical facilities and translational expertise necessary to support the development of new preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies of biomedical research and development for providing people with better healthcare.

désireux d’améliorer la recherche biomédicale translationnelle en mettant sur pied une infrastructure européenne de recherche translationnelle avancée comprenant des installations précliniques et cliniques essentielles et l’expertise translationnelle requise pour soutenir la mise au point de nouvelles stratégies de recherche et de développement en matière biomédicale, axées sur la prévention, le diagnostic et la thérapie, en vue d’améliorer les soins de santé fournis.

Action n° 6: To promote, in a staged approach, unprecedented collaborative research and development efforts to bring new antibiotics to patients by: Launching rapidly with EFPIA[12], within the IMI-Joint Undertaking, a programme for research on new antibiotics aimed at improving the efficiency of research and development of new antibiotics through unprecedented open sharing of knowledge. Establishing an overarching framework agreement with the industry, defining objectives, commitments, priorities, principles and ...[+++]

Action n° 6: favoriser, dans le cadre d’une démarche par étapes, des travaux de recherche-développement conjoints inédits pour mettre à la disposition des patients de nouveaux antibiotiques par les moyens suivants:en collaboration avec la Fédération européenne des associations de l’industrie pharmaceutique [12], lancer à brève échéance, dans le cadre de l’entreprise commune pour l’initiative en matière de médicaments innovants, un ...[+++]

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I have just read an article by Professor Getz, saying that innovation should not just be developed in the research and development department of a company, it should be at all levels, from bottom to top.

Je viens de lire un article du professeur Getz, disant que l’innovation ne devrait pas être développée uniquement dans le service de recherche et développement d’une entreprise. Elle devrait se faire à tous les niveaux, du plus bas au plus haut.

If not, I fear that, after labour-intensive production, which is already leaving for China, a huge number of corporate research and development departments will follow suit, particularly the multinationals, followed by the small and medium-sized enterprises.

Sans quoi, je crains qu’après la production à forte intensité de main-d’œuvre, qui fuit déjà vers la Chine, un grand nombre de départements de recherche et développement en entreprise en fassent autant, en particulier les multinationales, suivies des petites et moyennes entreprises.

At the same time, the Commission has taken the view in the Community framework for State aid for research and development(7) that it may be assumed that State aid for research and development will represent an incentive for SMEs to engage in more research and development since SMEs in general only spend a low percentage of their turnover on research and development activities.

En outre, dans l'encadrement communautaire des aides d'État à la recherche et au développement(7), la Commission a estimé qu'il est probable que ces aides inciteront les PME à se consacrer davantage à la recherche et au développement, étant donné qu'elles ne dépensent généralement qu'un faible pourcentage de leur chiffre d'affaires pour ce type d'activités.

(7) Certain definitions in Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 should be amended, in order to take account of the particularities of State aid for research and development, and others should be added. In particular, the definitions of the stages of research and development contained in Annex I to the Community framework for State aid for Research and Development should be inserted.

(7) Il importe de modifier certaines définitions contenues dans le règlement (CE) n° 70/2001 pour tenir compte des caractéristiques propres aux aides d'État à la recherche et au développement, ainsi que d'ajouter d'autres définitions, en particulier celles des stades de la recherche et du développement figurant à l'annexe I de l'encadrement communautaire des aides d'Éta ...[+++]

Past investments in research and development have not resulted in new health interventions suitable for use by developing countries and which meet their health needs. Three main reasons for this are identified: (i) a fragmented European research effort and poor networking (ii) organisational and economic impediments to the conduct of large scale clinical trials and (iii) low levels of developing country participation in clinical research, primarily due to lack of trial and trained staffing capacity.

2) obstacles organisationnels et économiques entravant la réalisation d'essais cliniques sur une large échelle; et 3) niveau peu élevé de participation des pays en développement à la recherche clinique, essentiellement dû à l'absence d'installations de recherche clinique adéquates et de personnel suffisamment formé.

The Commission’s proposal represents something of a first, as Article 169, one of the new instruments at the disposal of the Sixth Framework Research and Development Programme, has never been applied. Under this article, the Community may participate in research and development programmes undertaken by several Member States.

La proposition de la Commission constitue une première, l'article 169 qui fait partie des nouveaux instruments du 6ème PCRD n'ayant jamais été mis en œuvre. D'après cet article, la Communauté peut prévoir une participation à des programmes de recherche et de développement entrepris par plusieurs États membres.
