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Absolute language
Absolute machine language
Binary language
Calculus-based language
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Computer language
Declarative language
Early foreign language acquisition
Early foreign language learning
Early language learning
Early second language acquisition
Early second language learning
Early stages foreign language learning
Early-stage foreign language acquisition
Early-stage foreign language learning
First language
Foreign language competence
Heritage language
High level language
High-level language
High-order language
Higher order language
Internal binary language
Internal machine language
Language competence
Language of origin
Language proficiency
Language qualifications
Language skills
Latin language
Machine language
Mother language
Mother tongue
Native language
Neo-latin language
Non procedure-oriented language
Non-procedural language
Non-romance language
Nonprocedural language
Predicate calculus language
Romance language
Romanic language
Synthetic language

Traduction de «Romance language » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Romance language [ Romance | Romanic ]

langue romane [ roman ]

romance language | romanic language | neo-latin language | latin language

langue néolatine | langue romane | langue latine

Rhaeto-Romanic [ Rheto-Romansh | Raeto-Romance | Rhaeto-Romance | Rhaeto-Romansh | Rheto-Romance ]

rhéto-roman [ rhétique ]

early foreign language acquisition | early foreign language learning | early language learning | early second language acquisition | early second language learning | early stages foreign language learning | early-stage foreign language acquisition | early-stage foreign language learning

apprentissage précoce d'une langue étrangère

language skills [ CEFR | Common European Framework of Reference for Languages | foreign language competence | language competence | language proficiency | language qualifications ]

compétence linguistique [ cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues | CECR | compétences en langues étrangères | compétences linguistiques | connaissances linguistiques ]

high level language | higher order language | high-level language | high-order language | synthetic language | HLL [Abbr.] | HOL [Abbr.]

langage de haut niveau | langage évolué | langage synthétique

first language | heritage language | language of origin | mother language | mother tongue | native language | L1 [Abbr.]

langue d'origine | langue I | langue maternelle | langue première

machine language | binary language | absolute language | internal binary language | internal machine language | absolute machine language | computer language

langage machine

declarative language | nonprocedural language | non-procedural language | non procedure-oriented language | calculus-based language | predicate calculus language

langage déclaratif | langage non-procédural | langage assertionnel | langage non algorithmique
One school from France (Lycée Benjamin Franklin, Auray, Brittany) and two from Spain (IES Doctor Alarcón Santón, La Roda, IES Melchor de Macanaz, Hellín) will receive the award for a project which encouraged pupils to study the roots of modern romance languages.

Un établissement scolaire de France (le lycée Benjamin Franklin à Auray en Bretagne) et deux établissements d’Espagne (les IES Doctor Alarcón Santón de La Roda et Melchor de Macanaz de Hellín) recevront un prix pour un projet qui a permis d’encourager les élèves à étudier les racines des langues romanes modernes.

– (ES) Mr President, the Galician language is one of the oldest Romance languages.

- (ES) Monsieur le Président, la langue galicienne est une des plus anciennes langues romanes.

In all romance-language countries the indications shall be "UE" and "NON-UE".

Dans tous les pays de langues latines, les mentions sont "UE" et "NON-UE".

Checkpoints in Romance-language countries will use the abbreviations ‘UE’ and ‘Non-UE’.

Dans les pays de langues latines, les abréviations sont « UE » et « Non-UE »».

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In all romance-language countries the letters or words shall be “EU” and “NON-EU”.

- dans tous les pays de langues latines, les mentions sont "UE" et "NON-UE";

Some people have an aptitude for moving between different languages, and certain languages are close to each other, like the romance languages would be. So it's easy to do certain structured language procedurals.

Certaines personnes ont de la facilité à passer d'une langue à l'autre, et certaines langues sont assez proches, comme les langues romanes, par exemple.

D'autres ont cherché : raeto-romance     rhaeto-romance     rhaeto-romanic     rhaeto-romansh     rheto-romance     rheto-romansh     romance     romance language     romanic     absolute language     absolute machine language     binary language     calculus-based language     computer language     declarative language     early foreign language acquisition     early foreign language learning     early language learning     early second language acquisition     early second language learning     early stages foreign language learning     early-stage foreign language acquisition     early-stage foreign language learning     first language     foreign language competence     heritage language     high level language     high-level language     high-order language     higher order language     internal binary language     internal machine language     language competence     language of origin     language proficiency     language qualifications     language skills     latin language     machine language     mother language     mother tongue     native language     neo-latin language     non procedure-oriented language     non-procedural language     non-romance language     nonprocedural language     predicate calculus language     romanic language     synthetic language     Romance language     

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'Romance language' ->

Date index: 2024-04-02