However, if you were to go to individual smaller organizations like Life Gift Organ Donation Centre in Texas or the equivalent organization in Pennsylvania, or if you were to go to The Partnership for Organ Donation, a non-profit organization in the United States out of Boston that has assisted and helped many smaller institutions like hospitals or procurement agencies, in everything they recommend the thread running through it all is the integrated system that's coordinated and sustained.
Toutefois, tous les petits organismes qui existent insisteront sur la nécessité d'avoir un système intégré, coordonné et permanent. Cela vaut pour des organismes comme le Life Gift Organ Donation Center, au Texas, ou un organisme équivalent en Pennsylvanie, ou encore pour Partnership for Organ Donation, un organisme américain sans but lucratif basé à Boston qui a aidé beaucoup de petites institutions, des hôpitaux et des agences de recherche d'organes.