There are many reasons for this state of affairs : production costs are soaring (the average cost of making a cinema film in the Community has jumped from 700.000 ECU to over 1.000.000 ECU in two years); the European markets are too small and over- partitioned; it is difficult to obtain access to the most important foreign market, the American market, on which European imports account for only 1 % of film showings and television programming.
Les causes de cette evolutino sont nombreuses: hausse du cout de la production (en deux ans, dans les pays de la CEE, le cout moyen d'un film de cinema est passe de 700.000 ECU a plus de 1.000.000 ECU); exiguite des marches a l'interieur de l'Europe, trop compartimentee; difficultes d'acces au marche exterieur le plus important - le marche americain -sur lequel l'importation en provenance de l'Europe ne represente que 1% de la programmation cinematographique et televisuelle.