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American cockroach
Autopsy hand saw
Autopsy saw blade
Cabbage palm
Cabbage palmetto
Cabbage tree
Categories of crosscut saws
Chain saw cutting head
Chain saw felling head
Chain saw head
Common palmetto
Conical saw
Double-conical saw
Double-swage saw
Double-swage-set saw
Palmetto bug
Saw attachment
Saw felling attachment
Saw felling head
Saw head
Saw head attachment
Saw head felling attachment
Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto extract
Scrub Palmetto
Sorts of crosscut saws
Splitting saw
Taper-ground saw
Type of crosscut saw
Types of crosscut saws

Traduction de «Saw palmetto » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

cabbage palmetto | cabbage palm | cabbage-palm | cabbage tree | cabbage-tree | common palmetto | palmetto


cabbage palm | cabbage palmetto | common palmetto

chou palmiste | sabal

chain saw cutting head | chain saw felling head | chain saw head(chainsawhead) | saw attachment | saw felling attachment | saw felling head | saw head attachment | saw head felling attachment | saw head(sawhead)

tête d'abattage à chaîne | tête d'abattage à chaîne coupante

conical saw | double-conical saw | double-swage saw | double-swage-set saw | splitting saw | taper-ground saw | taper-saw

lame de scie circulaire biconique

categories of crosscut saws | type of crosscut saw | sorts of crosscut saws | types of crosscut saws

types de scies à tronçonner

American cockroach | palmetto bug

blatte américaine | blatte d'Amérique

Saw palmetto, which is used as opposed to Proscar for prostate therapy, is proven in scientific papers to be maybe as effective, if not as effective.

D'après des documents de recherche scientifique, le chou palmiste nain est peut-être aussi efficace pour traiter la prostate que le Proscar.

Then you can go on to say that saw palmetto helps support prostate health.

Vous pouvez aller plus loin et dire que le chou palmiste nain contribue à la santé de la prostate.

So that regulatory body would have to look at the body of evidence for a particular product and say that saw palmetto in a dose of 85% to 95% of a standardized grade of fatty acids and sterols may be helpful in the reduction of an enlarged prostate.

L'organisme de réglementation devra donc examiner les preuves rassemblées au sujet d'un produit donné et dire que le chou palmiste nain peut être utile pour lutter contre l'hypertrophie de la prostate s'il est administré à une dose de 85 p. 100 à 95 p. 100 d'une classe normalisée d'acides gras et de stérols.

However, in the United Kingdom, the authorities found that 42% of certain dietary supplements are irradiated (aleo vera, alfalfa, cat's claw, devil's claw, garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, guarana, kava kava, saw palmetto, silymarin, turmeric).

Toutefois, au Royaume-uni, les autorités ont découvert que 42% de certains compléments alimentaires sont irradiés (aleo vera, luzerne, griffe de chat (cat's claw), griffe du diable (devil's claw), ail, gingembre, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, guarana, kava kava, chou palmiste, silymarin, curcuma).

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Ms. Miriam Hawkins: It concerns me that we're not legitimately pursuing the mandate of this committee, because we're looking at very minor issues of whether or not.I brought two giant briefcases full of stuff that talks about what you can use Saw Palmetto for.

Mme Miriam Hawkins: Je m'inquiète du fait que nous ne respectons pas le mandat du comité, étant donné que nous nous penchons sur des questions qui ont assez peu d'importance, à savoir si oui ou non.J'ai apporté deux grosses valises de documents où il est question, par exemple, des divers avantages du chou-palmiste, etc.

datacenter (1): (

'Saw palmetto' ->

Date index: 2022-08-06