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Bishops' Committee for the Spanish Speaking
Blue Spanish fir
Chukka boot
Desert boot
Division for the Spanish Speaking
Sagamok Anishnawbek
Sagamok Anishnawbek Band
Sahara boot
Saharan Arab Democratic Republic
Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic
Secretariat for the Spanish Speaking
Spanish Agency for International Cooperation
Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance
Spanish Commission for Refugees
Spanish Commission to Support Refugees
Spanish River
Spanish River No.1
Spanish River No.2
Spanish River No.3
Spanish Sahara
Spanish fir
Spanish omelette
Spanish tortilla
Western Sahara

Vertaling van "Spanish Sahara " (Engels → Frans) :

Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic [ SADR | Saharan Arab Democratic Republic | Western Sahara | Spanish Sahara ]

République arabe sahraouie démocratique [ R.A.S.D. | Sahara-Occidental | Sahara espagnol ]

Sagamok Anishnawbek [ Spanish River | Spanish River No.1 | Spanish River No.2 | Spanish River No.3 | Sagamok Anishnawbek Band ]

Sagamok Anishnawbek [ Spanish River No.1 | Spanish River No.2 | Spanish River No.3 | bande de Sagamok Anishnawbek | bande de Spanish River ]

Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs (National Conference of Catholic Bishops) [ SHA | Secretariat for the Spanish Speaking | Division for the Spanish Speaking | Bishops' Committee for the Spanish Speaking ]

Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs (National Conference of Catholic Bishops) [ SHA | Secretariat for the Spanish Speaking | Division for the Spanish Speaking | Bishops' Committee for the Spanish Speaking ]

Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance | Spanish Commission for Refugees | Spanish Commission to Support Refugees | CEAR [Abbr.]

Commission espagnole d'aide aux réfugiés | CEAR [Abbr.]

tortilla | Spanish omelette | Spanish tortilla

omelette espagnole | tortilla espagnole | tortilla

Spanish Agency for International Cooperation | Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation | AECI [Abbr.] | AECID [Abbr.]

Agence espagnole de coopération internationale pour le développement | AECID [Abbr.]

blue Spanish fir | Spanish fir

sapin bleu d'Espagne | sapin d'Espagne

Disease with characteristics of cerebellar syndrome along with altered vertical eye movements. Reported in nine members of Spanish kindred to date. Disease onset occurs in adulthood (from the ages of 38-64). Clinical manifestations are slowly progres

ataxie spinocérébelleuse type 37

– (ES) Madam President, on 18 November, in the Spanish Parliament, the Minister Mrs Jiménez stressed that the opinion of the International Court of Justice in The Hague was that decolonisation has not yet taken place and that Western Sahara cannot be assimilated into Morocco.

– (ES) Madame la Présidente, le 18 novembre, au Parlement espagnol, la ministre, Mme Jiménez, a fait remarquer que la Cour internationale de justice de La Haye était d’avis que la décolonisation n’avait pas encore eu lieu et qu’il n’était pas envisageable d’assimiler le Sahara occidental au Maroc.

In this respect, I believe that the Spanish Presidency should involve itself in the following matters: it should not hold the Morocco Summit until Morocco commits to complying with the resolutions made regarding the Sahara by the United Nations, a body that you have invoked on other occasions.

À cet égard, je pense que la Présidence espagnole devrait particulièrement s’impliquer dans les domaines suivants: elle ne devrait pas organiser le sommet avec le Maroc tant que ce pays ne se sera pas engagé à respecter les résolutions concernant le Sahara adoptées par les Nations unies, une organisation que vous avez invoquée à d’autres occasions.

The Committee on Development has asked Parliament's Legal Service for its opinion on whether the Community could agree to sign an agreement that authorises European vessels to fish in the waters of the former Spanish Sahara.

La commission du développement a demandé l'avis du service juridique du Parlement sur la question de savoir si la Communauté pourrait accepter de signer un accord qui autorisait les bateaux européens à pêcher dans les eaux de l'ancien Sahara espagnol.

The two enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla remain under colonial rule, and Western Sahara, the former Spanish colony of Rio de Oro, has now been occupied by Morocco for some 20 years.

Les deux enclaves de Ceuta et Melilla restent sous régime colonial et le Sahara occidental, l’ancienne colonie espagnole du Rio de Oro, est occupé par le Maroc depuis quelque vingt ans.

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Although this matter has been dragging on since the time of Spanish decolonisation, little attention is paid to the Western Sahara: it does not involve large-scale interests or large-scale numbers, it does not interest bankers to any great degree and does not whet particular geopolitical appetites.

Bien que cette question remonte à l’époque de la décolonisation espagnole, l’on accorde peu d’attention au Sahara occidental: il n’implique pas d’intérêts à grande échelle ni de chiffres impressionnants, il n’intéresse pas outre mesure les banquiers et il ne suscite aucun attrait géopolitique particulier.
