I won't read this entire document, but this is the B.C. tripartite Transformative Change Accord in which the leadership in British Columbia the first nations leadership and the Province of British Columbia actually sat down and took the discussions that happened in Kelowna and documented clear, concrete, detailed steps, such as K to 12 completion rates, the number of first nations teacher, and K to 12 curriculum models, and said, we trust that Kelowna happened and that it's going to become a reality.
Je ne vais pas lire tout le document, mais c'est là l'Accord tripartite sur les changements transformateurs signé avec la Colombie-Britannique. Pour y parvenir, les leaders des premières nations et les dirigents de la province de la Colombie-Britannique se sont assis et ont discuté de ce qui s'était passé à Kelowna.