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Breach of the duty to exercise care
Breach of the duty to take care
Care for
Duty to take care
Ensure completion of relevant paperwork
Handle paperwork
Look after
Maintain professional appearance
Produce paperwork
Respite care
Take care of
Take care of appearance
Take care of paperwork
Take care of personal appearance
Taking care
Taking care of personal appearance

Vertaling van "Take care paperwork " (Engels → Frans) :

ensure completion of relevant paperwork | take care of paperwork | handle paperwork | produce paperwork

gérer la paperasse

evaluate older adults' abilities to take care of themselves | evaluate senior citizens' ability to take care of themselves | evaluate ability of older adults to take care of themselves | evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves

évaluer la capacité d’un adulte âgé à prendre soin de lui-même

maintain professional appearance | taking care of personal appearance | take care of appearance | take care of personal appearance

prendre soin de son apparence personnelle

Taking care: a report of the Project Child Care survey of caregivers in Metropolitan Toronto [ Taking care ]

Taking care: a report of the Project Child Care survey of caregivers in Metropolitan Toronto [ Taking care ]

Definition: Provision of health-care facilities to a person normally cared for at home, in order to enable relatives to take a vacation. | Respite care

Définition: Soins de santé dispensés à une personne normalement soignée à domicile pour permettre à sa famille de prendre des vacances.

breach of the duty to take care [ breach of the duty to exercise care ]

manquement à l'obligation de faire preuve de diligence

care for [ take care of | look after ]

prendre soin de [ prodiguer des soins | soigner | donner des soins | veiller sur ]

these institutions shall take care not to prejudice the stability

ces institutions veillent à ne pas compromettre la stabilité

duty to take care

devoir de faire preuve de diligence | devoir de faire preuve de prudence

to take care of/to look after

prendre soin de quelqu'un/assister quelqu'un/assister quelqu'un
If there were an undocumented worker let's say a woodworker or carpenter and the carpenter's union said they would adopt them or take care of their paperwork, and once they became normalized they would have to continue and get their process and get their journeyman's.and all that stuff.Would something like this with the unions bringing to their bosom the undocumented workers that you have in your industry and you do have a lot of them, and a lot of people are working for $10, $12, $13 an hour and if they were to come out from the underground, would you welcome that kind of a program?

S'il y avait un travailleur sans papiers — par exemple, un travailleur du bois ou un charpentier — et que le syndicat des charpentiers indiquait qu'il allait l'aider dans ses démarches administratives, et une fois qu'il serait régularisé, le syndicat continuerait le processus et avoir le compagnon, etc. Est-ce que vous serez en faveur d'un programme de ce type, c'est-à-dire que les syndicats accepteraient des travailleurs sans papiers qui travaillent dans l'industrie — et ils sont nombreux, nombreux à travailler pour 10,12 ou 13 $ de l'heure — si ces travailleurs sortaient de la clandestinité?

If we want to encourage people to stay in farming – in particular young people – we must not turn farming into a career that is more to do with mountains of paperwork than producing food and taking care of the land.

Si nous voulons encourager les gens - et notamment les jeunes - à rester dans l'agriculture, nous ne devons pas en faire une carrière davantage concernée par des montagnes de papiers que par la production de nourriture et l'entretien des campagnes.

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Date index: 2023-12-11