The amounts, calculated on the basis of one university year, will average . 2,000 Ecus in the case of the 40,000 partial grants; . 5,000 Ecus in the case of the 4,000 full grants. This Community grant programme will be managed by the Member States, each of them being assigned target figures in proportion to its student population (b) The Community will also provide funding averaging 20,000 Ecus towards the holding of short intensive seminars on particular subjects, attended by gifted students from different Member States.
Les montants alloues, calcules sur la base d'une annee universitaire, s'eleveront en moyenne a : - 2.000 ECUS pour les 40.000 bourses partielles - 5.000 ECUS pour les 4.000 bourses completes Ce programme communautaire de bourses sera gere par les Etats membres, chacun d'entre eux se voyant alloue des objectifs chiffres
proportionnels a sa population estudiantine. b) La Communaute europeenne octroiera aussi des aides, d'un montant moyen de 20.000 ECUS, pour soutenir l'organisation de seminaires intensifs de courte duree regroupant, sur des suje
ts specifiques, des etudiants talentueu ...[+++]x de differents Etats membres.