To achieve this, my
plan to establish a Centre responsible for carrying out tasks on the control of diseases relevant to public health, to be established by 2005, will be presented to the Commission shortly. It would aim to enhance surveillance, coordinate common responses, set up and ma
intain a network of reference laboratories and collaborate with Member States, candidate countries and international organisations such as the WHO. Although the centre would be small, it would be influential. In addition to coor
dinating a ...[+++]ction and technical support, it should provide independent scientific advice to the Commission, other EU Institutions and Member States.
Ce centre serait petit par la taille, mais grand par l'influence. Outre la coordination des actions et le soutien technique, il devrait fournir des avis scientifiques indépendants à la Commission, à d'autres institutions européennes et aux États membres. Comme nous le montre actuellement le SRAS, les dangers des maladies transmissibles sont loin d'avoir disparu.