The remaining funding will be allocated equally to three local funds that will foster partnerships with the private sector for sustainable development projects in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. With regard to (b)(i), for A034537-001, Bolivia, the amount was $18,391; for A034537-002, Colombia, it was $0; and for A034537-003, Peru, it was $27,125.
Le reste sera affecté à parts égales à trois fonds locaux qui faciliteront l’établissement de partenariats avec le secteur privé aux fins de la mise sur pied de projets de développement durable en Bolivie, en Colombie et au Pérou (i) A034537-001 = Bolivie = 18 391 $; A034537-002 = Colombie = 0 $; A034537-003 = Pérou = 27 125 $ (ii) A034537-001 = Bolivie = 2011; A034537-002 = Colombie = S.O.; A034537-003 = Pérou = 2011 (iii) et (iv) A034537-001 = Bolivie = coordonnateur local de la RSE, à La Paz; A034537-002 = Colombie = S.O.; A034537-003 = Pérou = coordonnateur local de la RSE, à Lima.