It is aimed at local and national policy makers, top managers and trade unionists, educationalists and instructors; - "Technological Training and Acess to Jobs" is the heading of the second event, which is for delegates concerned with new technology training for young people, the long-term unemployed and women wishing to return to work; - 2 - - the third event, which will run in parallel with the second, will deal with "Technological Training, Productivity and Competition" and is for delegates interested in the latest retraining methods in industry, management training and training in small and medium-sized businesses.
Il s'adresse aux hommes politiques aux niveaux local et national, aux grands industriels et syndicalistes ainsi qu'aux educateurs et formateurs; - "La formation technologique et l'acces a l'emploi" constituera le second theme, qui s'adresse aux participants concernes par la formation aux nouvelles technologies des jeunes, des chomeurs de longue duree et des femmes qui desirent reprendre un emploi; ./.- 2 - - Parallelement le troisieme volet, "Formation technologique, productivite et competitivite", concernera les participants qu
i s'interessent aux methodes les plus recentes de recyclage au sein de l'industrie, de formation a la gestion
...[+++] et de formation dans les petites et moyennes industries.