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Accounting department process
Accounting department processes
Accounts department processes
Bureau of Education
Council of Public Instruction
Department of Advanced Education and Labour
Department of Advanced Education and Training
Department of Colleges and Universities
Department of Community Colleges
Department of Continuing Education
Department of Education
Department of Education and Training
Department of Education and Youth
Department of University
Distance training
Implement the daily train operations plan
Learning and Development Unit
Manpower training
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Ministry of Education and Training
Ministry of Skills and Development
Operate train in accordance with daily train plan
Oversee the daily train operations plan
Pre-vocational training
Sandwich training
Skills Development Division
Staff Development Unit
Staff Training Department
Training department
Vocational training
Young Workers' Education and Training Department

Traduction de «Training department » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour [ Department of Advanced Education and Labour | Department of Advanced Education and Training | Department of Community Colleges | Department of Continuing Education ]

ministère de l'Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail [ ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et du Travail | ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Formation | ministère des Collèges communautaires | ministère de l'Éducation permanente ]

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities [ Ministry of Education and Training | Department of Education | Council of Public Instruction | Ministry of Skills and Development | Skills Development Division | Ministry of Colleges and Universities | Department of Colleges and Universities | Department of University ]

ministère de la Formation et des Collèges et Universités [ ministère de l'Éducation et de la Formation | Council of Public Instruction | ministère de la Formation professionnelle | Division de la Formation professionnelle | ministère des Collèges et Universités | ministère des Affaires universitaires ]

Department of Education [ Department of Education and Training | Department of Education | Department of Education and Youth | Bureau of Education ]

ministère de l'Éducation [ Department of Education and Training | Department of Education | Department of Education and Youth | Bureau of Education ]

Young Workers' Education and Training Department

Direction de l'Education et de la Formation des jeunes Travailleurs

Learning and Development Unit | Staff Development Unit | Staff Training Department

Service de perfectionnement professionnel | Unité Développement du personnel | Unité formation et développement

coordinate cooperation among production, costume department and make-up department | ensure cooperation between production, costume department and make-up department | ensure cooperation among production, costume department and make-up department | manage cooperation among production, costume department and make-up department

assurer la coopération entre la production, le département costumes et le département maquillage

accounting department procedures, accounting department methods | accounts department processes | accounting department process | accounting department processes

procédures des services de comptabilité

vocational training [ distance training | e-training | manpower training | pre-vocational training | sandwich training ]

formation professionnelle [ e-formation | formation à distance | formation de la main-d'œuvre | formation en alternance | formation préprofessionnelle ]

implement the daily train operations plan | operate train in accordance with daily train plan | operate train in accordance with daily train operations plan | oversee the daily train operations plan

surveiller le plan quotidien d’exploitation des trains
Enterprises could e.g. be invited to fund or co-fund equipment, schools, scholarships, activities for curricular change, chairs or departments at universities, research units, training courses to attract students and apprentices in areas facing a lack of qualified workers, etc.

Les entreprises pourraient, par exemple être invitées à financer ou à cofinancer des équipements, des écoles, des bourses, des activités de rénovation des cursus, des chaires ou départements d'université, des unités de recherche, des cours de formation pour attirer les étudiants et les apprentis vers les domaines confrontés à un manque de travailleurs qualifiés, etc.

1. A department within Europol, called the Europol Academy, as set up by this Regulation, shall support, develop, deliver and coordinate training for law enforcement officers in particular in the areas of the fight against serious crime affecting two or more Member States and terrorism, management of high-risk public order and sports events, strategic planning and command of non-military Union missions, as well as law enforcement leadership and language skills and in particular to:

1. Un département créé par le présent règlement au sein d'Europol et dénommé «Institut Europol», est chargé d'appuyer, de développer, de dispenser et de coordonner les actions de formation destinées aux agents des services répressifs, notamment en ce qui concerne la lutte contre les formes graves de criminalité affectant plusieurs États membres et le terrorisme, la gestion des événements à haut risque pour l'ordre public et des manifestations sportives, la planification et le commandement des missions non militaires de l'Union, le commandement des services répressifs et les compétences linguistiques. Il est notamment chargé:

Europol, through a new department known as the Europol Academy will assume responsibility for supporting, developing, delivering and coordinating training for law enforcement officers at the strategic level, and not only (as is the case under the current CEPOL Decision) senior police officers.

Europol, par l’intermédiaire d’un nouveau département dénommé l’«Institut Europol», sera chargé de soutenir, de développer, de dispenser et de coordonner la formation des agents des services répressifs au niveau stratégique, et pas seulement (ainsi que le prévoit la décision CEPOL actuelle) des hauts responsables des services de police.

Expenditure will be drawn from the National Training Fund and voted expenditure subheads of the Department of Education and Skills and other relevant Government Departments.

Les dépenses proviendront du National Training Fund et les sous-rubriques de dépenses votées du Department of Education and Skills et d'autres administrations concernées.

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Expenditure will be drawn from the National Training Fund and voted expenditure subheads of the Department of Education and Skills and other relevant Government Departments.

Les dépenses proviendront du National Training Fund (Fonds national pour la Formation) et les sous-rubriques de dépenses votées, du ministère de la formation et des compétences et d’autres ministères pertinents.

The overall management is carried out by the Employment Department, and with the help of the Vocational Training Department, Financial and Management Control Department and the Regional Delegations of the Norte and Centro regions.

L’ensemble de la gestion sera assuré par le service «Emploi», avec l’aide du service «Formation professionnelle», du service «Finances et contrôle de gestion» et des délégations régionales des régions Nord et Centre.

through the organisation of up to three regional seminars, the training of, and outreach to, between 80-100 personnel working for specific departments or cells within crisis management missions, and international and third countries’ national authorities, with a multiplier effect envisaged through the provision of ‘train the trainer’ material.

par l’organisation d’un maximum de trois séminaires régionaux, formation et information de 80 à 100 personnes travaillant pour des services ou des cellules spécifiques au sein des missions de gestion de crises, ainsi que pour des autorités internationales ou des autorités nationales de pays tiers, un effet multiplicateur étant envisagé grâce à la fourniture d’un matériel destiné à la «formation des formateurs».

Concerning the year 1998, the checks identified 22 training courses of IFOMAR (the training firm, which received funds from the IMEFE to deliver training courses to the Penitentiary Institutions) programmed and invoice to the IMEFE (department of the local administration of the city of Madrid in charge of training and employment), that have not been executed.

En ce qui concerne l'année 1998, les vérifications ont identifié 22 formations d'IFOMAR (l'entreprise de formation qui a reçu des fonds de l'IMEFE en vue de dispenser des formations dans des institutions pénitentiaires) qui n'ont pas été dispensées, bien qu'elles avaient été programmées et communiquées à l'IMEFE (département de l'administration locale de la ville de Madrid, en charge de la formation et de l'emploi).

The Commission will ensure that the designers of training modules take all steps with a view to respecting the principle set out in Article 4(2), and, if specific reasons justify departing from this principle, that Community added value is ensured.

La Commission veille à ce que les concepteurs de modules de formation mettent tous les moyens en oeuvre en vue du respect du principe énoncé à l'article 4, paragraphe 2, et, si des raisons spécifiques justifient une dérogation à ce principe, à ce que la plus-value communautaire de la formation soit assurée.

This is mainly because it is difficult to identify which department they need to address, but it is also because the staff in these departments have insufficient training to meet their demands.

Cela tient notamment au fait qu’il est difficile d’identifier les services auxquels ils doivent s’adresser mais aussi au fait que le personnel de ces administrations n’est pas suffisamment formé pour répondre à leurs demandes.
