This respo
nsibility which was transferred to the minister from the former Department of Supply and Services Act covers a multitude of central financial and banking functions vital to government operations (1635) The d
uty of the receiver general includes the issuance of payments in response to inquiries, settlement and redemption of payments, performance of other treasury operations such as receipt processing, payment of banking fees relating to inflows and outflows from the consolidated revenue fund, main
taining th ...[+++]e general ledger and preparing the financial statements of the government.
Ce service, qui relevait auparavant de la Loi sur le ministère des Approvisionnements et Services, remplit une foule de fonctions financières et bancaires centrales essentielles aux activités gouvernementales (1635) Le receveur général s'occupe, entre autres, des paiements et des encaissements et d'autres opérations financières comme le traitement des recettes, le paiement des frais bancaires relatifs aux entrées et sorties de fonds du Trésor, la tenue du grand livre général et l'établissement des états financiers du gouvernement.