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Trust in God and keep your powder dry

Traduction de «Trust in God and keep your powder dry » (Anglais → Français) :

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trust in God and keep your powder dry

aide-toi, le Ciel t'aidera
Therefore it's not particularly productive to keep your powder dry and not say anything for the first two and a half years of negotiation, because if you do, that's a recipe for having to take what other people have negotiated.

Il n'est donc pas vraiment productif de se tenir coi durant les deux premières années et demie de négociation, car dans ce cas il faudra accepter ce que les autres auront négocié.

My understanding is that your preparation has been limited to the issue of the binational panel, so if it's not appropriate on Bill C-24, we'll keep our powder dry today and use those questions at another time.

Si j'ai bien compris, vous avez limité votre préparation à la question du panel binational.

So keep your partisan powder dry.

Laissez donc votre argument de la partisanerie de côté.

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Date index: 2022-09-13