The European Community and its Member States have played an active role in the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF), which was established in 2000, and have committed themselves to implementing provisions of other international agreements, conventions and protocols, such as: UNFCCC[3] and its Kyoto Protocol, CBD[4], UNCCD[5], ITTO[6], and CITES[7].
La Communauté européenne et ses États membres ont participé activement au forum des Nations unies sur les forêts (FNUF), lancé en 2000, et se sont engagés à mettre en oeuvre les dispositions d’autres accords, conventions et protocoles internationaux tels que la CCNUCC[3] et son protocole de Kyoto, la CBD[4], l’UNCCD[5], l’OIBT[6] et la CITES[7].