During the meeting, the Joint Committee reviwed the policies and priorities of the Parties with regard to science and technology and the status of existing cooperation in RD (controlled thermonuclear fusion, including the JET project; wood as a renewable raw mate
rial; recycling of urban and industrial waste; management of radioactive waste; telecommunications; data- processing; medical research; COST actions, technical steel research, etc.) The Swedish delegation expressed a definite interest in cooperation in several fields covered by certain Community programmes such as ESPRIT, RACE, BRITE,
EURAM, Stimulation, ...[+++]Climatology, etc.Au cours de cette reunion le comite mixte a passe en revue les orientations et priorites des Parties en matiere de science et technologie et la cooperation deja existante en matiere de RD (fusion thermonucleaire controlee, y compris le projet JET, bois en tant que matiere premiere renouve
lable, recyclage des dechets menagers et industriels, gestion des dechets radioactifs, telecommunications, informatique, recherche medicale, actions COST, recherche dans le domaine de l'acier, etc.). La Delegation suedoise a manifeste son interet concret a cooperer dans plusieurs domaines couverts par certains programmes communautaires, comme par exemple