there was not, in the opinion of the President, such a number of sales of like goods made by the exporter as to permit a proper comparison with the sale of the goods to the importer in Canada, but there were sales of like goods for use in the country of export by other vendors, such one or more of any of those vendors that the President may specify shall be deemed to be the exporter for the purpose of determining the normal value of the goods sold to the importer in Canada;
d) les ventes de marchandises similaires sont celles où les marchandises similaires sont en quantité la plus grande et que l’exportateur a effectuées pour consommation dans le pays d’exportation si la quantité de marchandises vendue à l’importateur se trouvant au Canada est plus grande que la plus grande quantité de marchandises similaires que l’exportateur ait vendue pour consommation dans ce pays;