(2) Subject to subsection (3), every Class H ship not over 45.7 m in length that is a tanker shall have a minimum of one combinati
on solid stream and water fog nozzle on deck exclusive of those required for the machi
nery spaces and the nozzle shall be capable of producing a solid stream or a high velocity fog and of being shut off, and, in addition, one applicator equipped with a low velocity water fog tip capable of being attached directly to the nozzle or the hose shall be provided and the fog nozzles and applicators referred to her
...[+++]ein shall be located in such parts of the tanker as is most convenient and of most use in the case of an emergency.
(2) Sous réserve du paragraphe (3), sur tout navire de la classe H d’une longueur d’au plus 45,7 m, qui est un navire-citerne, il y aura sur le pont au moins un ajutage combiné à jet compact et à jet de poussière d’eau, à l’exclusion de ceux qui sont exigés pour la tranche des machines.